- Description
Jesus Christ has multiple aspects to his soul just as we do. This is one of his star selves that I met while I was traveling in other dimensions. I was floating and saw him not far from me. I instantly knew who he was. There were many star beings gathered around him whom he was teaching. I floated to where the others were. I was overwhelmed by feeling unconditional love flowing from him. His eyes sparkled with light. After the teaching, I went up to him and he hugged me and told me telepathically that he loved me and that he knew me. Even as I type this, tears fill my eyes.
In drawing this through me, he put numerous light codes in his face, eyes, and ears. You probably can’t see them, but they are there. It took me quite a while to draw this portrait of him.
Feel the unconditional love that the energy in this drawing radiates. Look into his eyes that are filled with compassion. You can ask him any kind of questions you might have about anything. Let the Christ consciousness flow through you. Most of all, be open to receiving the unconditional love that this ascended master offers.
DOWNLOAD BONUS! “Guidelines for Using Light Codes” (.PDF) Written suggestions for maximum benefit of using/working with the multidimensional energies encompassed in Light Language consciously, to best support your soul path and remembering your unlimited potential.You will receive 2 files (compressed in a .ZIP folder) in this download:
IMPORTANT DOWNLOADING NOTE (Read after purchase): After purchasing, you will receive a link to download the Light Language Codes/Portrait & Guidelines PDF together as a compressed .ZIP file, which packs together both files into a “folder.”
You will need to unzip (or “unpack”) these files onto your device to open them. Most newer devices/operating systems include software/apps to do this easily. For more information on unzipping compressed files (for Windows, Mac, iPhone, or Android), see THIS simple How To article.
For any questions accessing files after purchasing or downloading, please email Jacquelin’s assistant, Breanna: [email protected]